Why is it not recommended to lose weight quickly?

After we have answered your question: When does the body begin to lose weight during the diet, here is the answer to why it is not recommended to lose weight quickly?
Many people may feel the desire to lose weight quickly, and they may resort to many diets that may indicate the possibility of reaching the ideal weight in a week.
When trying such diets, you may actually lose weight within a week, but the health damage caused by such diets is much greater than the benefits.
Such diets depend heavily on food deprivation, which leads to the following damages:
1. Lack of essential body components, such as: proteins, which causes a loss of weight in muscle mass and body fluids instead of losing fats. On the surface, it appears that the person has succeeded in losing weight during this short period.
2. Fast weight loss and gain.
3. Difficulty losing weight in the long term due to the inability to curb hunger and the desire to eat.
4. It may lead to hair loss.
5. Menstrual disorder in women.
6. Dehydration.
Factors that affect the body's ability to lose weight
There are many factors that affect a person's loss of weight, some of which are fixed and cannot be changed and some of them can be changed in appropriate ways, we mention the following:
1. The percentage of fat and muscle mass in the body
The percentage of muscle mass and fat affects the rate of burning calories and the rate of metabolism, and age also affects the body's ability to lose weight, as the older the age, the process of losing weight becomes more difficult due to the increase in the percentage of fat and the decrease in muscle mass, which causes a less metabolism rate of 20-25% than younger ages.
2. Sleep
Taking adequate sleep is one of the best ways to prevent chronic diseases, including obesity, as sleeping for 7-8 hours during the night reduces the desire to eat sweets and high-calorie foods, which increases the body's ability to lose weight. Genetic factors play a role in determining your ability to lose weight, especially if obesity is common and runs in the family.
3. Some medical conditions
Certain conditions, such as an underactive thyroid gland, can lead to weight gain and the inability to lose it easily.
Here are some tips that you can follow to lose weight in a healthy way:
•    Follow a healthy diet rich in essential elements important for a healthy body, with regular and constant exercise.
•    Losing weight in a healthy way takes time and effort, so you must be patient and not feel discouraged if you do not notice immediate results.
•    Set reasonable and applicable expectations for losing weight, and not limiting yourself to a schedule and rushing to lose weight by following diets that depend on deprivation because of its severe long-term damage.
•    Trying the method of counting the calories consumed during the day, and trying to reduce them by reducing the amounts consumed of carbohydrates and fats, and increasing the consumption of some foods rich in fiber, such as vegetables, to increase the feeling of satiety.
•    Reducing the consumption of beverages rich in calories, such as: soft drinks and energy drinks, even natural juices, which contain a large proportion of sugars and calories.
•    Not following popular diets, such as: the keto diet, before consulting a doctor or dietitian, especially if you suffer from chronic diseases.