The 8 best exercises for treating varicose veins

About 25% of adults suffer from varicose veins, which occur when your veins enlarge, expand and fill with blood, and they usually appear swollen and raised and have a bluish-purple or red color, and it is often painful, and this condition is very common, especially in women, and in most cases, varicose veins appear.
In the lower legs, and varicose veins occur when the veins do not function properly, as the veins contain one-way valves that prevent backward flow of blood, when these valves fail, blood collects in the veins instead of continuing toward your heart, and then these veins enlarge, and the varicose veins often occur. The veins in legsare the farthest from your heart, and gravity makes it difficult for blood to flow upwards. If you want to change the lifestyle and start the steps for treating varicose veins, HiPharma offers you in the following lines exercises for the treatment of varicose veins.
Exercises for varicose veins
 Many doctors recommend physical activity for at least 30 minutes a day, and if this is not appropriate for you, you can divide this period into three times a day, or 10 minutes at a time, and here are the best exercises that help treat varicose veins:
1. Walking, the benefits of daily walking are numerous and it is usually safe for people of all ages and all levels of fitness. It can help you lose weight, maintain healthy blood pressure, and strengthen your bones and muscles.
2. Cycling, is a low-intensity exercise like walking, it can increase blood circulation while preserving your joints, and cycling regularly can strengthen the calf muscles and promote healthy blood flow in them, if you cannot reach a bike, you can still lengthen the muscles. lay on your back, pull your knees toward your chest and do a pedaling motion.
3. Leg raises, simple stretches do not require any special equipment. Start lying on your back, and raise one leg at a time, hold your leg in the air for a few seconds before switching legs, this exercise helps to tighten the legs’ muscles, as well as stretching exercises for the muscles of the legs in a standing position have a similar effect.
4. Lunges exercise, works on different muscle groups in the feet and legs, and when these muscles are strong and healthy, they can help maintain blood flow in the right direction.
5. Shaking the feet, while sitting or standing, move your feet back and forth from heel to toe, and you can do this at any time, and in any position, and it is also useful if your health conditions prevent you from trying other forms of exercise.
6. Lifting your legs up, can help relieve swelling in the legs caused by blood flow. Start lying on your back, then raise your legs straight in the air, and if necessary, you can lean against the wall, and keep this position for a few minutes, then lower your legs on the floor, and repeat as necessary.
7. Yoga, you can practice many positions that raise your foot from your heart, and yoga can also help tighten the deep muscles in your calf and hamstrings, which helps to some extent the vein valves to work properly, including the stretching positions and the downward-facing dog position, and most Lean forward positions and sun salutations.
8. Swimming.