The benefits and harms of honey for a nursing mother

The biggest fear after childbirth is the breastfeeding mother’s nutritional habits and her confusion about the foods that benefit her, but it can harm her baby, especially honey, despite its high nutritional value, it should not be presented to infants under the age of one year, because it may expose them to the risk of poisoning, so the mother fears that it will harm her baby through her breast milk.
But in fact, honey can be consumed during the breastfeeding period, as it is safe and healthy during this period, and the poisoning it causes occurs when the infant ingests it directly. You get to know in this blog the benefits of honey for breastfeeding women, and the cases excluded from eating it.
Benefits of honey for nursing mothers:
 Honey is one of the best natural sweeteners, and it has many health benefits, as it strengthens the immune system and protects the body from many diseases. Know all its benefits for the mother during the breastfeeding period through the following lines: Avoid using sugar: it is one of the best healthy natural sweeteners, and it helps to strengthen the immune system, because it contains anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties.
It protects against anemia: because it contains iron.
Boosts energy levels in the body: because it contains glucose and fructose.
Relieves inflammation and wound side effects, and protects against heart disease and cancer: for its antioxidant properties.
Treats cold and sore throat symptoms: because it contains vitamin C.
Treats gastrointestinal disorders and colon: because it does not ferment in the stomach, and it contains anti-bacterial properties.
But despite its many benefits, there are potential harms that "HiPharma" provides for you to avoid.
Honey harms to nursing mothers: Honey is a healthy food that helps boost your health during breastfeeding, and there is no scientific fact that there is a need to avoid honey at any stage of breastfeeding or that it causes any harm to you or your infant, it is also necessary to choose good types of raw honey, and consult your doctor in the most appropriate amount for you during breastfeeding, however it is best to avoid consuming it in some cases, such as:
 1. For those suffering from pollen allergy.
 2. Diabetics.
 3. For those who suffer from excess weight.